Earl was born on a farm in Massachusetts. He grew up on several different farms as his parents moved frequently to improve their situation.
As a young man Earl started a plant nursery and landscape business, but the Great Depression killed his business and drove him into bankruptcy.
Earl then found a job at the DuPont Corporation, a chemical company where he worked in the plastics division. While at DuPont he had an idea. He bought cheap loads of slag plastic, which were the thrown out remains of plastic manufacturing, believing that he would discover a use for it. He saw value in the slag that everyone else missed.
One day Earl realized he had the solution to a problem. Women often complained that they had to get rid of leftovers because they had no way to reliably store the expensive food. Earl melted down his slag piles and reformed the plastic into food containers. He used the example of a paint can lid to create a cover that completely sealed the container. He used his last name and called the product, Tupperware.
Earl Tupper had created a valuable product, but no one was buying it in the stores. Then he received an excited call from Brownie Wise (called Brownie because her brown eyes reminded people of brownies).
Brownie told Earl that she was selling so many Tupperware items at home parties that she needed to order more. Earl hired Brownie and let her develop home parties to sell the products. The parties became so successful that Earl stopped selling in retail stores.
The parties were so popular that thousands of women increased their income and improved the lives of their families.
All of this BLESSING came because Earl Tupper and Brownie Wise looked for the value around them.
What value has God placed in your life? When you find value, blessing will follow.
The Bible says in James 1:17, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights…” NIV
Go to www.choosegreatness.com today for more insight into living a great life.
You can watch Ron’s show, “Choose Greatness: Your Key to a Happier Life” on our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9hhhg3gJWYP8auB02aoerA/videos
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