
Frank Capra always remembered his trip to America as the worst experience of his life.

When he was five years old, Frank emigrated from Italy to the United States with his parents and six siblings. The trip was made on the cheap and cramped section of a ship. Frank recalled being constantly sick and hungry. It was the most horrible thirteen days of his life.

But when the ship entered New York Harbor, everything changed. Frank described his amazement at his first sight of the Statue of Liberty, “a statue of a great lady, taller than a church steeple, holding a torch over the land we were about to enter.”

Frank later wrote that his father, upon seeing the statue, exclaimed, “…Look! Look at that! That’s the greatest light since the star of Bethlehem! That’s the light of freedom! Remember that!”

Years later, when Frank was the most successful director in Hollywood, he made a film in 1939 to express his love for America. “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” is the story of an idealistic young man who is appointed United States senator to fill the seat of the senator who has just passed away. Mr. Smith, played by Jimmy Stewart, resists threats and corruption to defend the American ideals of democracy and righteousness.

When the Nazis invaded France, “Mr. Smith” became the most popular film among the French people. One cinema owner screened it for 30 nights in a row in defiance of Hitler. When the Germans banned the film in 1942, it circulated throughout the French resistance.

Frank Capra and his father were right. The light of the American Statue of Liberty is the light of freedom.

Pray that the United States of America will remain true to God and freedom. We need that light more than ever.

The Bible says in Psalm 33:12, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” NKJV

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