Rev. Samuel Rodríguez is considered “one of the most influential figures in American politics”

Rev. Samuel Rodríguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC), was recently featured in an NBC news article as “one of the most influential figures in American politics today”

With a multifaceted career as a pastor, author, film producer, speaker, and civil rights activist, Rodríguez has emerged as one of the world’s leading Christian voices. His influence goes beyond spirituality, shaping national politics and advocating for the well-being of the Latino community in the U.S.

Known as Pastor Sam at the megachurch New Season in Sacramento, California, Rodríguez has significantly impacted U.S. politics by advising presidents from both major parties. During George W. Bush’s administration, he advocated for bipartisan discussions on immigration reform, and he served as a key advisor to Presidents Obama and Trump. As the first Hispanic American to participate in a presidential inauguration, Rodríguez has become a vital bridge between the Christian community and the political sphere.  Today, his sphere of influence is as big as it has ever been.

Rodríguez’s extensive experience advising presidents has given him a front-row seat to the evolving political engagement of Latino evangelicals. A notable example of his influence was his role in championing the First Step Act, the most significant criminal justice reform legislation in years, signed by President Trump. This law reduces mandatory minimum sentences and offers second chances to former inmates, reflecting Rodríguez’s commitment to social justice and rehabilitation.

Rodríguez has been hailed as “the leader of the Hispanic evangelical movement” by CNN and Fox News, and Time Magazine once nominated him as one of the “100 Most Influential People in the World.”

He has also been honored with the Martin Luther King Jr. Leadership Award for his dedication to civil rights. As NBC noted, ” Today, his sphere of influence is as big as it has ever been,” underscoring his growing role at the intersection of faith and politics.

During the NBC interview, Rodríguez expressed his disappointment with the Democratic Party, stating that have gone “too far to the left” particularly when it comes to issues of immigration, transgender rights, and abortion. He predicts that over 70% of Latino evangelicals will vote conservatively, arguing that the candidate who aligns most with the values we uphold as Christians is Trump.

Despite his political prominence, Rodríguez stresses that his ultimate loyalty is to Christ. The Latino evangelical community “is the most independent voting constituency in America — we can’t be married to either party, we have to be married to the agenda of the lamb,” he said, referring to Christ. “The donkey and the elephant can never control us or define us.” For Rodríguez, the most important thing is for Christians to vote based on their values and principles rather than party affiliation.

With Rodríguez’s rising influence through media outlets like Daystar Television, which reaches millions of homes across the U.S. and Latin America, his message continues to gain momentum. “The Latino is the future of American Christianity,” Rodríguez asserts, a vision that may shape the political direction of the evangelical community in the years to come.