Think Differently

“Every problem contains within itself the seeds of its own solution.”

Before Stanley Arnold became known for this quote, he was a teenager with an uncertain future.

Stanley was interested in athletics in high school but was so physically limited that nothing he did worked. He did poorly in every sport he tried and could not compete with even the weakest students.

After he had exhausted all other options, Stanley decided to try the broad jump. Despite intense practice, he continued to place last. Then he had a desperate idea.

Stanley thought he could do better if he did something no one expected. He decided to jump backwards. To his surprise, he jumped farther.

Inspired by his accomplishment, he worked to improve his technique and was soon beating everyone else on the team.

Stanley began to excel in competition and soon became the first (and most successful) backward broad jumper in the world.

All this happened because Stanley refused to be embarrassed or intimidated. He chose to think differently and rose to the top.

Allow God to unlock your creativity. When you “think differently”, you can see solutions no one else does.

The Bible says in Proverbs 22:29, “Do you see someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings…” NIV

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