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Sometimes the answer you need is right in front of you.

Our son Jonathan has been temporarily renting a small house. When we made a recent visit, I unlocked the front door and attempted to open it. Nothing happened.

I pushed without success and even tried the key again. Still nothing. We entered through a side door and called the maintenance department that managed the property to schedule someone to fix the lock.

The next morning, I again tried to open the door and it would not move. I turned the key, but nothing worked.

The next afternoon I received a message that a maintenance engineer had checked the door and was told it should now open. Excited, I walked around to the front door and tried to open it. Again, it would not budge. I turned the key several times and pushed against the door, but it would not open.

I sent another maintenance request and waited for a response. That evening a man arrived and checked the door. As he was leaving, he motioned me over and asked an unexpected question. He wanted to know if I had pulled the door handle down or lifted it up. I innocently replied that I had always pulled it down. He smiled and said that it only opened when you lifted it. I reached for the handle, lifted it, and it opened easily. The answer was right in front of me. I only needed to open my eyes and see it.

I believe that whatever you need, God is providing it. Your answer is right in front of you. Just open your eyes and see God’s hand.

The Bible says in Isaiah 12:2, “Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid…” NIV

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