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“The answer to a rightwing culture war is not a leftwing culture war…. This is the wrong approach to a necessary public policy discussion.” 

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez
SACRAMENTO — Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference and founder of the Imago Dei Campaign, issues the following statement in opposition to The Equality Act:
“The answer to a rightwing culture war is not a leftwing culture war. Our elected officials must not attempt to address inequality by making others less equal. The National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference joins Latino catholics in opposing the Equality Act. While a high bar, it is almost impossible to imagine a more disastrous piece of legislation than the Equality Act. In what is a complicated issue worthy of discussion among various stakeholders, the Democratic party has chosen to take an imperialistic approach, short circuiting our system of debate and compromise, and in turn, exchanging the fundamental human rights of one group for those of another. In the U.S., we cannot protect one minority by disenfranchising the sincerely held religious beliefs of another minority. I look forward to standing alongside rabbis, pastors, bishops and priests in opposing this haphazard effort to address a legitimate concern.”
Click HERE to access the original press release.