The National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC), a predominantly Hispanic, faith-centered, biblically based, non-partisan organization, holds the sacred nature of human life to be a fundamental tenet of our faith.
Our constituents are pro-life, believing strongly in the inherent value and dignity given to each individual by God. This belief is deeply rooted in the teachings in the Hebrew Bible and New Testament, which emphasize the intrinsic value and divine purpose of human life.
Discussion of justice in the Bible must begin with the recognition that it is ultimately rooted in the very character of God. Justice is not simply a philosophical ideal or some sort of benchmark established by popular consensus; it is part of God’s nature and is thus woven into creation itself and into his sovereign rule in history (Deut 32:4; Ps 33:4-5; 97:1-6; 99:4; Isa 5:16; Jer 9:24).
Every human being desires “justice. The term can refer to several things: the moral standards of “justice,” the laws that reflect those standards, the rewards and punishments they require, or the formal legal system and judicial activities that ensure the exercise of those standards. The ongoing challenge for any society is to agree on the moral framework for its concept of justice. In the United States, this seems to be increasingly reduced to a vague sense of fairness and tolerance, while an earlier set of shared convictions based on Judeo-Christian values continues to lose ground and to be challenged. In this situation, it is important for Christians to have a clear sense of the biblical understanding of justice: its foundation, the expectations of justice for God’s people and the world, and the hope for its full manifestation.
Discussion of justice in the Bible must begin with the recognition that it is ultimately rooted in the very character of God. Justice is not simply a philosophical ideal or some sort of benchmark established by popular consensus; it is part of God’s nature and is thus woven into creation itself and into his sovereign rule in history (Deut 32:4; Ps 33:4-5; 97:1-6; 99:4; Isa 5:16; Jer 9:24).
The Center for Ministerial Health (CMH) invites you to apply for our Financial Health Initiative Scholarship. Designed to help pastors make wise financial decisions, this scholarship of up to $2500.00 seeks to increase your longevity and effectiveness in ministry.
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