Think Differently

“Every problem contains within itself the seeds of its own solution.” Before Stanley Arnold became known for this quote, he was a teenager with an uncertain future. Stanley was interested in athletics in high school but was so physically limited that nothing he did worked. He did poorly in every sport he tried and could not […]

You Can Make It Through

Sometimes an unexpected encounter with someone can reveal a great lesson. Amy and I were finishing a meal at a local restaurant when we met another couple. We shared some stories from our different backgrounds and the woman told us a hilarious story from her career as a high school teacher. Told here with her […]

Connect with People

Recently I unexpectedly received information about a slice of my Father’s past that I never knew existed. My wife Amy and I were eating in a local restaurant when I saw a man enter to pick up an order. I walked over to the man and asked about him. I had known and liked him […]

Mental Belief

On September 27, 1965, Air Force Colonel George Hall was flying a reconnaissance mission near Hanoi in North Vietnam when his jet was hit by anti-aircraft fire. His plane burst into flames and he ejected and parachuted to the ground where he was captured by communist forces. Colonel Hall was placed in solitary confinement in […]

Push Your Idea

When Asa Candler bought the formula for Coca-Cola from Atlanta pharmacist Dr. John Pemberton, the business was so small that he carried all the assets away in one horse drawn wagon. Candler had bought the formula because of the drink’s local popularity. The original recipe was: 1 quart alcohol 80 ounces of orange oil 40 […]

Treat Everyone with Respect

Tom was born in 1874. His father was a lumber dealer. After school, Tom tried different income tracks. He sold pianos, organs, and later, sewing machines. He only failed when he attempted to broker stocks. After a bad experience with the stock company, Tom applied for a job with the National Cash Register company and […]

Prayer Works

I was walking one morning in the small mountain town where I grew up. I had just rounded the corner of a street in front of two houses. The homes stood across the street from each other, and I paused a moment to look at each house because my grandmothers had lived in them. Both […]

Release Your Gifts

Aristotle was born in New York City to parents who had moved to the United States from Greece. His mother was an artist, and his father owned a restaurant. Aristotle spoke only Greek until he entered elementary school where he learned English. He and his brother, Gus, shined shoes and delivered newspapers to help the […]

Keep Moving Forward

Phil Simms was born on his grandfather’s farm in Springfield, Kentucky. He attended a small elementary school where he developed an early interest in sports. After his family moved to Louisville, he attended a Catholic high school and played football. Phil wanted to stay home for college and chose Morehead State University in eastern Kentucky. […]

The Extra Mile

A lot of years ago, when I was the special preaching assistant to Dr. Charles Stanley at the First Baptist Church in Atlanta, my wife Amy and I felt called to organize an additional ministry that would help me travel to other churches to speak. We had little money but soon realized that we needed […]