Financial Health

The Financial Health Initiative, a component of the Center for Ministerial Health (CMH) within the NHCLC, exists to encourage and empower pastors to make wise financial decisions. By focusing on their financial health, this initiative aims to increase the longevity and effectiveness of their ministry.

During a recent NHCLC study, where key leaders representing more than 1,600 churches were gathered, we found that:

  • 82% of pastors present stated that they needed a second source of income to supplement their monthly budget.
  • Considering their familiarity with their pastoral constituents; i.e., the pastors they oversee, they felt the same percentage was applicable to those within their respective region.
  • 73% of the pastors present stated that they had an income of less than $50,000.00 per year.
  • 82% of the pastors present reported having debts, which often causes them stress over financial issues.
  • 60% of the herders present stated that their current financial situation often distracts them from their mission and purpose.


Therefore, in alignment with our mission and vision, we want to help.

Thus, the financial health plan outlined here will encompass the following:

  • Provide financial literacy courses to pastors to put them on the path to financial freedom for both their home and their church(es).
  • Further empower pastors with financial stewardship curricula for personal use and for use within their congregations, through financial literacy partners, to help strengthen the overall financial health of the church, including biblical generosity.
  • Provide strategic financial relief to qualified pastors experiencing financial hardship.


As a pastor of a local church, you can apply and be considered for financial assistance of up to $2500.00. Please click on the link below for more details and to begin the application process.