Never Stop

Jacob had always worked hard. When his family moved from Iowa to New Mexico so his father could run a prospecting business, although he was barely a child, Jacob was expected to work with his dad.

When the United States entered World War I, Jacob enlisted in the army.  He served in the Philippines, then was transferred to Alaska.

Jacob, like all U.S. soldiers was required to be clean shaven, because beards interfered with gas masks. But when Jacob tried to shave in the bitter Alaska winter, he found that a lack of hot water made shaving almost impossible. He even had to break through the ice on the surface to even reach the water.

That’s when Jacob had an idea.  After his discharge. Jacob tinkered with his idea until he invented the first electric razor. At first, he could not develop a motor strong enough to shave a beard but he didn’t stop. He worked on the motor for FIVE YEARS until he achieved a breakthrough.

Jacob patented his new device but could find no backers who were willing to invest. He persisted for EIGHT YEARS until he scraped together enough money to manufacture and sell the razors.

The first year Jacob sold 3,000 razors. He then invested all his profits in advertising. At first, most men rejected the device because they already had safety razors but soon the idea caught on and in six years Jacob was selling 2 million razors a year. He was a millionaire.

Jacob Schick succeeded for one vital reason. After his invention, he simply NEVER STOPPED.

Never stop pursuing what God has called you to do.

The Bible says in Philippians 3:14, “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” NIV

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