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On Monday and Tuesday, June 10th and 11th, a training event titled "Compelling Preaching" was held in Keizer, Oregon, organized by the NHCLC. This event brought together pastors and ministers from various cities and denominations with the aim of strengthening their preaching skills and spiritual leadership.

The training program consisted of an 8-session curriculum led by Pastor Paco García, Director of #EQUIP / Prayer (PHDO) at NHCLC. Over these two days, attendees actively participated in sessions, taking notes and engaging openly and vulnerably.

Pastor Paco stated that it was a deeply significant event where participants shared testimonies of how the Lord has blessed them beyond their expectations.

He emphatically attributed the success of the event to several key factors. Firstly, he highlighted the organizational work and outreach efforts led by Pastor José Luis Domínguez and Pastor Jorge Trujillo as foundational. "Several pastors expressed that gathering pastors in this area is neither common nor easy. The level of collaboration and service contributed by Jorge's church team was impressive," Pastor Paco emphasized.

Moreover, the pastors' evident need for support and guidance was clear from the outset of the event. Despite initial "suspicious expectations" and some resistance, the atmosphere quickly transformed into one of joy and a desire to learn more. "This reinforced how much these pastors needed help," Paco commented.

The carefully crafted content and structure of the curriculum, interweaving the 8 taught aspects, kept pastors engaged and participatory. Each session provided an opportunity for attendees to open up and share their experiences and needs.

One of the most significant moments was the ministry and impartation time, where pastors could express their deep and moving need for God. "Seeing and hearing everyone groan, cry, and express their need for God blessed us possibly more than it did them," Pastor Paco shared.

The event concluded with unanimous commitment from participants to establish a WhatsApp group, facilitating ongoing support and follow-up among pastors. Additionally, a couples' retreat for pastors and their wives is already planned for September.

Pastor Paco closed with reflection and prayer: "My response is, 'Lord, help us not to hinder what you are doing, and may you continue to lead, with us as your servants and as an organization faithfully carrying out the precious mission entrusted to us.' Finally, I have a plea/desire/prayer: 'Lord, ignite fires of your Spirit in the 8 regions of this country!'"

The "Compelling Preaching" training event positively impacted the lives of pastors and ministers in attendance, marking the beginning of a movement of spiritual renewal and strength in the region.