The National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference is the National Hispanic/Latino Evangelical Association


The NHCLC is recognized by CNN, Fox News, The New York Times, Univision, Telemundo, NBC, and other media outlets, as well as by scholars and the New York Times bestseller Latino Land, as the largest Latino Christian organization in America. We serve and lead millions of Hispanic Born-Again Christians through thousands of certified evangelical congregations based in the U.S., along with thousands of affiliated churches globally.


We execute our directives, fulfilling our mission and vision through three delivery mechanisms designated as “Centers”.


The Centers engage in the following initiatives:



Legacy partners are organizations that for many years have been vital in supporting and collaborating with the NHCLC to assist in Advancing the Lamb’s Agenda

“Simply put, we exist to serve, represent and lead the Latino/Hispanic evangelical community by reconciling Billy Graham’s message of salvation through Christ alone with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s march for justice; all while promoting the agenda of the Lamb.”

– Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference.

The Center for Ministerial Health (CMH)

Invites you to apply for our Financial Health Initiative Scholarship. Designed to help pastors make wise financial decisions, this scholarship of up to $2500.00 seeks to increase your longevity and effectiveness in ministry.

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The NHCLC has thousands of members nationwide and organizes events and activities in various regions of the country. We invite you to join our state chapters to impact our Hispanic community together.