The Financial Health Initiative, a component of the Center for Ministerial Health (CMH) within the NHCLC, exists to encourage and empower pastors to make wise financial decisions. By focusing on their financial health, this initiative aims to increase the longevity and effectiveness of their ministry.
During a recent NHCLC study, where key leaders representing more than 1600 churches were gathered, we found that:
The National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC) exists to further its mission of reconciling the vertical and horizontal planes of the Christian message; sanctification with service, conviction with compassion, the image of God with the habits of Christ, holiness and humility, John 3:16 and Matthew 25, and the prophetic with the practical. Since 2001, he has achieved exactly that.
Within the horizontal plane of praxis and earthly impact, we strive to promote a whole-life discipleship model that expands its John 10:10 (NASB) perspective of abundance beyond faith, biblical knowledge and religious practices to encompass healthy relationships, wellness, vocation, and financial health and stewardship.
As such, the Mental Health Initiative (MHI), a component of the Center for Ministerial Health (CMH) within the NHCLC, exists to encourage and empower pastors and leaders to live and work from a healthy and balanced state of mind. Our initiative framework, partnerships and resources are geared toward:
Welcome to the Spiritual Health area of the Ministry Health Center, where your ministry is celebrated and supported. Here we foster spiritual growth, embrace diversity and promote meaningful development. Our goal is to empower you as a spiritual leader to profoundly impact your church by providing you with.
knowledge, passion and actionable steps for more impactful ministry.
Our vision is that through #EQUIP, we bring training for the Church to have:
– VIGOROUS PASTORS: Growing in their whole-life discipleship (John 10:10).
The Center for Ministerial Health (CMH) invites you to apply for our Financial Health Initiative Scholarship. Designed to help pastors make wise financial decisions, this scholarship of up to $2500.00 seeks to increase your longevity and effectiveness in ministry.
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