In 1992, Dr. Jesse Miranda founded the National Evangelical Ministerial Alliance (N.E.M.A.), the first national Hispanic evangelical network. Nick Garza, Rev. Charlie Rivera and others, in the strategic coordination and development of a Next Generation Hispanic Evangelical Movement under the framework of the National Hispanic Youth Congress.
In collaboration with denominational conventions, where attendance reached nearly 10,000 people in the Texas region, Rodriguez led a platform of mobilization conferences that provided momentum for the National Association of Hispanic Evangelicals. Samuel Rodriguez, united the state associations of Hispanic evangelicals and merged with N.E.E.A. to formally present a national voice in the name of the Hispanic Evangelical Church.
In collaboration with denominational conventions, where attendance reached nearly 10,000 people in the Texas region, Rodriguez led a platform of mobilization conferences that provided momentum for the National Association of Hispanic Evangelicals. Samuel Rodriguez, united the state associations of Hispanic evangelicals and merged with N.E.E.A. to formally present a national voice in the name of the Hispanic Evangelical Church.
Samuel Rodriguez, the NHCLC exists to unify, serve and represent the Hispanic Evangelical Community with the divine (Vertical) and human (Horizontal) elements of the Christian message through our 7 directives of Life, Family, Great Commission, Edification, Justice, Stewardship and Youth.
Rodriguez articulated the vision for the NHCLC at a conference at Yale University. “Therefore, we are committed to reconciling the vertical and horizontal elements of the Christian cross: a cross that is both covenant and community, salvation and transformation, righteousness and justice, John 3:16 and Matthew 25, Billy Graham and Dr. Martin Luther King. Together we can stand up for biblical truth, build a wall of righteousness and justice in this generation while simultaneously ushering in a New Awakening in Christ’s Name. ”
Pastor Samuel Rodriguez with Dr. Jesse Miranda
Pastor Samuel Rodriguez with Dr. Jesse Miranda
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