Tom was born in 1874. His father was a lumber dealer.
After school, Tom tried different income tracks. He sold pianos, organs, and later, sewing machines. He only failed when he attempted to broker stocks.
After a bad experience with the stock company, Tom applied for a job with the National Cash Register company and was turned down, but when he kept showing up and asking for work, he was hired as a salesman. He went weeks without a sale but, eventually, through sheer determination, became the company’s top salesperson.
In 1913, Tom was fired but managed to get a position as head of a small, struggling company that specialized in business accounting.It was in this job that Tom blossomed into a remarkable corporate leader. He poured money into new products and hired new employees. He was highly selective about whom he hired but once a part of the team he treated them with unusual generosity. He paid them more than anyone else in the industry and rarely fired an employee. When some of his workers were drafted in World War Two, he sent them special support gifts for the entire war. He always reminded them that they were still a part of the team.
Because he treated his employees with such respect, they became the best and most loyal people in that industry. This powerful team built the company into the largest and most successful computing company in the world.
Tom Watson treated his team with respect and they made IBM the most respected company on earth.
Be generous with respect and people will follow you with loyalty and commitment.
The Bible says in II Corinthians 9:6, “Remember this, whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” NIV
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